Media Contacts Updated for Cosmopolitan

Wishing your business could be featured in Cosmopolitan Magazine? Cosmo was just updated at Tin Shingle’s website in our Media Contacts Database. Many media outlets are in the database, and they are updated in a rotation.

Best ways t get featured in Cosmopolitan:

STEP 1. Read the magazine in print - as it should be read - to get real familiar with what they cover and how businesses, artists and makers are featured or mentioned in their regular roundups or dedicated theme pages that repeat in each issue. 

STEP 2. Dive into Tin Shingle’s Media Contact Database to get a good idea for who to pitch there. Get a list of names at your fingertips to help you in your research and relationship building. Always double check a contact with what they are currently writing about, or what they have written about recently by visiting their Twitter or author profiles on their own professional websites.

Available to Tin Shingle Members Level 4 All Access Pass!

