Member Tool:
Pitch Whisperer Forum
IN Tin Shingle's community boards:
Never feel alone or stuck with your questions about writing a pitch featuring your biz again! Our private Pitch Whisperer Forum, located in Tin Shingle's Community Boards, is open 24/7 for you to submit your draft of a pitch to the media, and Tin Shingle members give their feedback and to help you refine it. Each board is monitored by staff at Tin Shingle to guarentee a safe and supportive space. Connect, ask questions, and get recommendations. This Fourm is available to Level 1 members and higher of Tin Shingle.
“After I submitted to the Pitch Workshop in “The Boards,” we had some really great outcomes. Not only was our story shared on television news, it was also featured in our local newspaper and in a magazine! I can’t thank you enough for your feedback and advice!”