You Gotta Tell Them :: Get Behind The Chair

I’m a content creator. A storyteller. I constantly circulate in story ideas as I digest research for an article to see what it all means and how it will fit together. However, it can be hard to stop that story cycle in order to make space for telling my audience what they can buy from my business.

While I market other companies for a living, and train people like you in how to do it, it’s easy to forget to market my own.

What Marketing Wrench Do I Use?

The marketing wrench is needed to throw into the wheels of the day to day - no matter how creatively enjoyable - to stop them in order to think of how to market your own business. What marketing wrench do I use? For inspiration and a nudge, I look to salon owner, Audrina Clyde who opened Ladi Jai Luxury Hair and Beauty Salon in Grayson, Georgia.

Both her business Instagram and her personal Instagram.

For my situation, what I sell is content. Words. Pictures. Stories. Ideas. For Audrina, she sells tangible things. Hair styling. Color. Braiding. Cuts. If I’m constantly researching, writing and publishing articles, I need to stop sometimes to show and tell people how to buy advertising or my content production services. To throw the wrench to stop the wheels, I check in on how Audrina is doing it. I put myself behind the chair (a salon term), and let the market wheels turn.

Audrina is constantly showcasing her work - the hair of her clients. She includes the mood. The vibe of how her clients feel after they leave her chair.

Audrina let’s you know when there is an opening. She reminds you to book before a holiday. Audrina is tapped in to her client base. She is leading them to where she needs them to buy.

If you’re a creative, your comfort zone may be circulating in your ideas and then finishing those ideas. Luckily for a salon owner, they have to be out there, in the world with other people, to show up and put out. They need people to walk through the door.

Getting the money is very clear for a salon owner: you have a salon, which pays rent, and you need clients to book their times in your chair. You get the money, you pay the rent. You hire employees, or other stylists who are renting chairs, and you get the money, pay the rent, pay yourself to pay your house rent or mortgage, all your bills, all your bills for your kids, and then some profit for your savings, for your future self in retirement, and for your present self for your own hair upkeep, etc.

Once thought of in this formula , marketing becomes much easier.

When Audrina first opened Ladi Jai, she threw herself a red carpet ribbon cutting. She called the local Chamber, and everyone got dressed.

Audrina used to be my neighbor in Beacon, NY, where I live. Then, after years of waiting in the wings until I broke up with my stylist (a good breakup, just needed a new thing), Audrina became my stylist. I’ve watched her blossom and now command her marketing moves.

Audrina is a gifted colorist. A solid hustler.

Here’s the short list of how she spins it on her personal and professional Instagrams:

  • Book your spot now.

  • Showing off her work: client’s hair.

  • Announcing when she’s hiring.

  • Motivational quotes. Audrina is FIRE with pushing people ahead and to keep going.

She’s always taking people through the salon. Showing them what they can expect. How they will feel in Lady Jai.

She’s constantly thinking of new ideas, and executing them. Key to any business owner is to turn that idea into action. Audrina does that. And then she tells you about it.

Need a bump into the direction of action? Join Tin Shingle’s Community and start tossing around you ideas. Our weekly TuneUps or Editorial Meetings will be your space to hold you accountable. Need specialized help? Book a Private Training Session, or upgrade your membership for regular access as needed.

Editorial Meeting :: Members-Only TuneUp Office Hour

When: Wednesday, March 19, 2025
Time: 1-2pm EST
Where: Remote (Zoom)
Member's Only Link >
Activate your membership here >

Today we will discuss a press release that worked. It successfully used federal issues and brought it down to local impact. The article writes itself after that.

We can discuss how to do this for your business during today's Editorial Meeting TuneUp.

Activate your membership if you haven't already to join the call.

You can book a private session, or you can use your free weekly hour with Katie that comes with your Tin Shingle Membership to tap into your goals to see how you are hitting them.

About TuneUp Office Hours

If you are a member of Tin Shingle, come on today's Members-Only TuneUp! These are open for members only, and and not open to the public. This is a safe space for Tin Shingle Members to come in with brainstorms to give and get feedback.

You can turn on your video camera to speak eye-to-eye, or just talk on the phone or through your computer speakers.

In this series, members of Tin Shingle with the Media Kit Membership can call in to workshop any need in their marketing campaign, including:

  • Media Pitching: What a pitch to a certain media outlet should look like, and how it should read.

  • Instagram: How to get sales and create PR opportunities from you posts.

  • Facebook: How do you increase traffic from this platform?

  • Website: The media will circle back to evaluate their website. What are they seeing, and is it clear?

  • SEO: What's your game plan? Let's get one. You don't want to miss out on all that search traffic.

Strategy Hour :: Members-Only TuneUp Office Hour

When: Wednesday, March 12, 2025
Time: 1-2pm EST
Where: Remote (Zoom)
Member's Only Link >
Activate your membership here >

You can book a private session, or you can use your free weekly hour with Katie that comes with your Tin Shingle Membership to tap into your goals to see how you are hitting them.

We are breaking the goal down into tiny steps so that you can experience progress every day.

Because when hit your goal, there will be a moment of triumph, and then it's off to living through that achievement to do the things you need to do once you acquired it.

Activate your membership if you haven't already to join the call.

About TuneUp Office Hours

If you are a member of Tin Shingle, come on today's Members-Only TuneUp! These are open for members only, and and not open to the public. This is a safe space for Tin Shingle Members to come in with brainstorms to give and get feedback.

You can turn on your video camera to speak eye-to-eye, or just talk on the phone or through your computer speakers.

In this series, members of Tin Shingle with the Media Kit Membership can call in to workshop any need in their marketing campaign, including:

  • Media Pitching: What a pitch to a certain media outlet should look like, and how it should read.

  • Instagram: How to get sales and create PR opportunities from you posts.

  • Facebook: How do you increase traffic from this platform?

  • Website: The media will circle back to evaluate their website. What are they seeing, and is it clear?

  • SEO: What's your game plan? Let's get one. You don't want to miss out on all that search traffic.

"Are You Delusional?" :: Yes. Yes You Are. You Are A Creator.

We are living in delusional times right now. Monday’s news of Saturday’s abduction of the green card carrying Columbia graduate student (pursuing a Master’s Degree in Public Administration, according to USA Today) and pro-Palestinian organizer, Mahmoud Khalil by federal immigration agents frightened everybody who is paying attention. Then the protests erupted Monday in Mahmoud’s name demanding his release. And then Democracy Now reported that Trump said: “This is the first arrest of many to come.“ This has been extremely distracting and deeply concerning, as Mahmoud’s abduction impacts us all. Yet, is consistent with American history of disappearing people it finds too loud or inconvenient.

Meanwhile, Monday at Tin Shingle was designated Motivation Monday, so we had this article titled “Are You Delusional?” planned. Just as we were getting ready to publish, more news came out. The Ontario Premier Doug Ford declared that Ontario will apply a 25% surcharge on electricity exports for homes and businesses in Minnesota, Michigan and New York if Trump keeps up his tariffs on Canada. The Premier also threatened to shut the electricity off completely for these American states, as aired on CNN. He has been promising this since the threat of tariffs on Canada were spoken by this administration.

But Let’s Focus On The Motivational Message

Yes, let’s. We are carrying on with this planned post about how to feel when someone asks you the wretched question: “Are you delusional?” It can happen from time to time to business owners, creators, artists and organizers who are…creating things, often times, from things that don’t exist.

Let’s explore this questions and see how to use it to strengthen you into a solid core that will grow roots from your fingers and toes to flourish.

How To Answer And Digest The Cutting Question “Are Your Delusional?”

As you’re thinking your big thoughts out loud, some may respond to you with: “Are you delusional?!”

The result of which can be a cracking of your heart. A breakage of faith that you thought someone had in you. The chink in your armor may set you back. Deflate you.

But it needn’t. You see, you are delusional. You are a person who turns ideas into action. You are a dream maker. Sounds cheesy, but it’s the truth.

They say: “Dream big.” You say: “Ok!”

Embrace this question. If it haunts you as a doubter-voice in the corner of your brain, just punch it back, and own it. Don’t ignore it. Absorb it.

Focus on your list of things to do that you know will make this happen.

It might take longer than you think. It might go down a road or several roads you never imagined. But it will happen if you believe in it.

Keep going.

Need A Push?

Tin Shingle is an empowerment zone for business owners, creators and organizers getting the word out about their business. Direct access to Tin Shingle's owner Katie Hellmuth is possible through our Private Training services. Katie is a reporter at her hyper local blog, A Little Beacon Blog, and a podcast co-host for the show "Wait, What Is That?"
Hire her today for you or your team to hone down on what needs to happen to get your business to the next step.
The group membership is also available, which gets you access to Tin Shingle's video library of our educational series called TuneUps.

Motivation Minute: 1st Rule In Business Fight Club

You know all your weak spots.

You know where to hit.

You are the single worst person to get into a fight with. When you’re the one beating yourself up. In business, there is no time or emotional space for this. Yet beating yourself up can happen all of the time, causing you paralysis and cloudy vision of what you know you need to do.

Sometimes little kids, when getting frustrated with what they are trying to accomplish but encounter roadblocks, will literally punch themselves in the head in a fit of frustration. Just because you’re an adult doesn’t mean you didn’t stop doing this. The punches are in your head now, and they need to exit.

Here a few ways to pull yourself off the ropes, and keep yourself from getting walloped into the corner again.

They Are Lying To You

Those voices. Who serve you the deepest cuts. These voices could be hauntings from people in your past, and you are replaying them on a bad Netflix re-binge, that you just need to turn off.

Turn Them Off

How do you turn off these lies? Start recognizing them, and getting into the habit of shutting them out the moment they sneak around. These could sound like:

“You’re ideas aren’t good enough.”

“Nobody wants to read that.”

“Are you delusional?”

“Where did you get that idea? Why do you think it would work?”

“Why would you do that? Why would you bother.”

Punch Them Back

When one of these zingers slides its way into your brain, visualize yourself punching it back. Or kicking. Or both! Here’s a video of ice-kicking for a moment of release.

Know Your Worth - But - Don’t Talk Yourself Out Of It

On a particularly low day or moment, you may see and feel yourself as deflated. Your friend may say to you:

“Know your worth.”

And you might reply to that friend with an honest answer: “But I can’t even buy dish soap.”

No matter if you’re in a low money or high debt scenario, your worth is untouchable and not measured in quarters, stacks of $20s or stocks held.

Root Down In Your Belief

You had a good idea. You had a plan. This plan will most likely work. You just need to do it. Execution of the plan is half the battle. The next half may be managing the plan as it takes flight. One of Tin Shingle’s mottos is: “Turning Ideas Into Action.”

Believe yourself. You had the vision for a reason. Make it happen.

Love On Yourself

Believe the truth you are telling yourself. Sit with that truth as you know it, and proceed. Love on yourself, and feel good about what is coming. Or what may already be here.

Reach Out

Of course book a session with your therapist or find one. But reach out to whichever core friends are good for you in these moments. You need a friend who is going to slap you out of it. Who will throw cold water on your face. Who will take you by the shoulders and shake you if they need to.

But since you are in community with them, you can trust them to only go as far as you can tolerate, to bring you back to your senses.

Tin Shingle can be in your community. Tell us your issues, fears, and problems and we will strategize you to get there. Sometimes you just need to tap back in.

Activate your membership today and start talking in our private Community Boards (aka a forum) on our website to get you back into forward motion.

Catching A Reporter's Attention With Your Media Pitch: Today 1pm: TuneUp Office Hour

Today's Members-Only Office Hour link has been posted.

Tin Shingle's owner Katie continues reporting on the New York state-wide prison strike that has now increased to 38 prisons. Numerous Corrections Officers have walked off the job and are picketing outside of their prisons making various demands and appeals for safer working conditions for Corrections Officers and Incarcerated People. Read about it at Katie’s hyper-local blog, A Little Beacon Blog.

Reporters you are trying to pitch your story to are busy like this. How are you going to catch their attention?

Dial in today to this Office Hours TuneUp, where you will get one-on-one attention on your media pitching strategy from Katie.

Activate your membership if you haven't already to join the call.

Today 1pm: TuneUp Office Hours :: Discuss Strategy or Kendrick Lamar Symbolism

It's Wednesday! TuneUp Office Hours are today! For members only, log in or activate your membership to bring your strategy questions or content planning plans.

Or we can just talk about the literary symbolism that Kendrick Lamar gifted to America during Half Time - that performance that keeps giving and giving. :)

If you have Media Contact needs, please also send those so that we may do a Deep Dive for you.

See you soon!

I'm Back :: TuneUp Office Hours Are Open! Wednesdays 1pm EST For Members

Tin Shingle’s TuneUp Office Hour is back. It will be every Wednesday at 1pm EST.

This week, it will be Wednesday, January 29th, 2025 at 1pm EST.

The TuneUp Office Hour is group business support for members of Tin Shingle for business owners, creators, artists, organizers.

The secret link is in the Forum at Tin Shingle. PActivate your membership at

Watch this video here at Instagram for a motivational gold nugget.

I Quit :: Meandering Through Motivation Monday

Staring at the white blank page here, there are so many Motivation Monday thoughts that could come for you. But the theme of this Monday is “I Quit” with the theme song of “Circle” by Edie Brickell. Which is annoying, because a much more powerful message was in the queue for you. But this is how this Monday feels, so let’s address it.

The lyrics in that Edie Brickell song go “I quit. I give up. Nothings good enough for anybody else….Being alone is the best way to be….When I’m by myself, nobody else, can say, goodbye.”

The reason this resonates with your business, dear Tin Shingler, is because you are pitching your heart out to the media to feature you, and to potential clients and customers to buy from you. Monday’s can be the hardest, because they are also Money Mondays. Where you need to get the money to keep the wheels turning.

Know that this moody Monday is temporary. Which is also a line from the song.

Remember that you have highs and lows in this life, and all of them are needed to keep the pistons pumping.

Remember that sometimes you are tired. When tired, you are depleted, and need a minute to fill back up.

Remember that cold, gray days can also reflect a mood, but it will be sunny and warm again.

Remember that you accomplished great things yesterday, and the day before that. You have set up systems that will keep you up. Hold through this period, and come out when ready.

Get out a magazine, open the pages, and tear it up. Vision board with your glue, markers and scissors. Get messy. Let the wheels turn in a way they haven’t been.

Surround yourself with people who have seen you raw, and can keep seeing you raw. You have your support network. You know who they are. Block out any other distraction. Center down in yourself to remember that you know what to do.

Keep doing the things that you put on your list yesterday when you knew you had a great idea. Those are still great ideas, you just need to do them. Carve the time. Delegate the assignment. Boundary yourself up to pour yourself in.

Keep going.

Oh. And Moon Omens reminds us that Mercury is in Retrograde. That can mean, they say: “Astrologically, when a planet appears to be at a standstill and to move backward, the symbolism suggests that it is time to pause, slow down, and reflect rather than continuing to move forward on autopilot. It is said that retrogrades are evolutionary accelerators because they force us to question how things have always been done, be creative, and explore alternative solutions.“

So read up on that, and know that these feelings are even more temporary. Pay extra close attention to problems that could go wrong with computer and Internet glitches. And schedule a session with whoever you schedule sessions with to keep yourself on track. That could be your dedicated, visionary employee, and it could be your soul strategist.

It could also be to a Tin Shingle TuneUp. This week, Katie will host a live broadcast of the TuneUp to jazz you up, pour a little confidence into your cup, and plant ideas for what you can be pitching the media this month, to land print magazine features months later.

Click here to sign up for the live TuneUp. Live versions are free. Members of Tin Shingle get 24/7 access to the recording.

PS: Lizzo was also having a moment. Hopefully she rises out of it, just like you will.

2024 Magazine Editorial Calendar Deadlines Happening NOW

In this update to Tin Shingle’s exclusive Editorial Calendar Collection, we have added new publications (new to our collection, but established in the publishing world!) and believe it or not, the Editorial Deadlines for Fall 2024 are happening NOW!

Keep in mind, these are only Editorial Calendars. There are more media ideas for you to pitch to in Tin Shingle’s Media Contact Library. In our Media Contact Library, you can search by “Beauty Products” or “Home Design” for instance, and get search results of people who work for publications who identify with that niche.

About Our Editorial Calendar Collection

For all of our Editorial Calendars, we either get them from the magazine for the upcoming year, or if it hasn’t been released yet (but they still know the themes), we do our scientific study of researching the past 2 years of what that magazine published. If we see consistency in the broad theme, then we make a prediction. For example, if Essence Magazine did “Women In Business” in October for the past 2 years, then we predict that to be the broad theme again for 2024.

However, the utmost important tool you have access to is the publication and submission date through 2024. You are able to determine where a magazine is in their production cycle so you can pitch them a timely story angle. There are SO MANY ideas you can pitch. Knowing the broad theme is helpful, but not the most important aspect to your pitching. Think big! Think broadly!

Sneak Peak At Upcoming Editorial Deadlines

All Animals

All Animals is the award-winning magazine of the Humane Society of the United States, the nation’s most effective animal protection organization.
You can find out the best submission date by viewing it in Tin Shingle’s Editorial Calendar Collection!

All Recipes 

Bring big flavor to the end of summer and say hello to cooler temps, back to school, and comfort food season.
EDITORIAL CALENDAR PLANNING FOR NOW: You’ll have the publication dates, which is key because this magazine works on articles months in advance. Knowing these dates is how you will pitch really timely story ideas that can work for most any broad themes and Noble, let an idea hit you, and then pitch the magazine!

Better Homes & Gardens

The Style Maker Issue, The Fall Issue, The Thanksgiving and Gatherings Issue, and The HolidayIssue
You can find out the best submission date by viewing it in Tin Shingle’s Editorial Calendar Collection!

All Of The Editorial Calendars

Members of Tin Shingle at the All Access Level have instant access to ALL of our editorial calendars. We currently have the editorial calendars from over 100 publications for 2024! All searchable by Title and Area of Interest! Browse through and let your inspiration take hold!

All editorial themes are from editors themselves and are subject to change.