New Training TuneUp in the Member Center!
Hey Buzz Builder! You've got one more tool in your marketing tool-belt to create curated exposure to your brand. This is Tin Shingle Training you can access anytime.
What To Pitch The Press: November
Get ideas for what print magazines are looking for now (aka Long Lead), then blogs and websites (Short Lead), and hot news trends you can piggy back on for quickie articles at your website or others, and your social media.
BONUS: "But pitching doesn't work for me": This question will be discussed during the TuneUp, with suggestions on what to change in your pitching to the media.
BONUS: "But why would any magazine feature me?": This question will be discussed during the TuneUp, with myth-busters on why any business should want - and get - media coverage. Be you a website designer, jewelry designer of single pieces, or anything.
Trick Or Treat:
5 Tricks for PR, Instagram, SEO
This TuneUp was originally recorded on Halloween, thus the Halloween inspired Tricks and Treats you're going to get for doing your own PR and Instagram posting. This was a quick TuneUp because there was costuming to be done! Get PR and Instagram Tricks, and what might make for some Rotten Candy PR!