Today: Creating Space For Processing Texes, And Planning Your Pitches

Office Hours
Open Today

When: Wednesday, May 25th, 2022
Time: 1pm-2pm EST
Where: At your computer or on your phone.
How: Click Here if you are a member of Tin Shingle. You need to be logged into your account.
Required: Membership with Tin Shingle. Join today.

Everyone has been processing, and the mourning continues today. Mourning is one emotion, rage is another. People have had different reactions, to put it mildly. Putting up social media things seems useless, because it's all been done before. But we can't contain our rage and go on accepting this. If you need to channel serious rage, go listen to/watch Amanda Seales reaction right now.

If you don't know what to do with your rage - where to put it - then do this: do any little thing that you normally do, and do it much bigger. That could include emailing individuals about things that can change. This issue isn't just about gun legislation. It is about how kids are being raised, and how they are being ignored. It is breeding a hatred of themselves. The 18 year old who did this is not a monster. He is not alone. He is not the only one who has gone for his family first, and then gone for others.

Why. What happened in his lived experience that infected his brain so much. He's only 18. Parents and adults need to have a giant accountability talk with themselves on how they are handling bullying and when their children are mean to other children. If you don't know how do this, seek therapy for yourself and your children to learn this. Please watch my video here on this message. Yes, gun legislation is needed. Wipe the guns out, because really they are just wanted for individual wars that people feel like waging whenever they want. But the root of that 18 year old and how he got lost is very, very important.

Several of you can pitch the media about this. The news will be all about gun legislation, but you can cut through to discuss what you know. We can discuss this during today's Office Hours.


Each and every one of you who has a platform needs to speak on this. If you have a store, you need to put up a flare. If you have a service business, you need to put up some kind of statement. I have seen you not do this on other topics you know are wrong, and I'm here to tell you as your marketing touchstone, you need to stop with your caution.

Unless you are in a marginalized group, who gets messed with on the regular. If you are a white person, you need to speak now and you cannot forever hold your peace because we are getting massacred.

Which brings me to this next statement: putting my opinions on my business platform has been liberating. I highly recommend it to all of you. See you during today's Office Hours. Follow the directions above for how to get in.

If you can't make this time, you can book a Private Training session for 25% off for a personal phone call.

About TuneUp Office Hours

If you are a member of Tin Shingle, come on today's Members-Only TuneUp! These are closed sessions, and not open to the public. This is a safe space for Tin Shingle Members to come in with brainstorms to give and get feedback.

You can turn on your video camera to speak eye-to-eye, or just talk on the phone or through your computer speakers.

In this series, members of Tin Shingle with the Media Kit Membership can call in to workshop any need in their marketing campaign, including:

  • Media Pitching: What a pitch to a certain media outlet should look like, and how it should read.

  • Instagram: How to get sales and create PR opportunities from you posts.

  • Facebook: How do you increase traffic from this platform?

  • Website: The media will circle back to evaluate their website. What are they seeing, and is it clear?

  • SEO: What's your game plan? Let's get one. You don't want to miss out on all that search traffic.

Tin Shingle's owner Katie will moderate the call.

She will rotate through people on the call, and encourage each other to contribute to each person's challenge as a conversation.

When you are logged into your Media Kit Member account at Tin Shingle, you will be able to click this link in our Community section of the website to get the private link to call in details.

Once on the call, Katie will adjust your settings so that we can hear and/or see you. We love talking face-to-face, so turn your video on if you want. Otherwise, audio-only is fine.