What To Pitch The Media This Month: May

How in the heck are magazines working to produce print magazines while remote working and unable to congregate for a photo shoot? Things are getting creative, quality is adjusting to the new normal of gritty, real-life, and print media is being produced. With a lot of digital.

Today's TuneUp focused on the future, but it will change this time to focus on right now - how you are following up with any reach-outs you have made to the media, the types of ideas you are having, etc.

Topics Covered:

  • Bring your questions/thoughts/anxieties. Email them now to info@tinshingle.com.

  • The state of the media right now - as COVID coverage is unrelenting, all anyone can think about, but nothing anyone wants to think about at the same time.

  • Types of story angles you could be pitching right now.

  • What does it mean to "pitch a story." Isn't that just for PR people and journalists? Guess what - it's for you too, Business Owner!

If you couldn’t make it to this free broadcast, Tin Shinglers with the Media Membership get 24/7 access to watch any TuneUp whenever they want. Apply for Tin Shingle membership today to get access!