
"I Did My Best, And My Best Is Good Enough." - Hannah Beachler's Message For Everyone

i did my best oscar win hannah beachler.png

Oscars Come At The Perfect Time

Just when we're in the doldrums of winter, the Oscars come at the perfect time to deliver inspiring messages from the acceptance speeches.

Just when you think you're not doing enough (meanwhile you've been doing just about very everything you could be doing within your structure of time), remember the words of Hannah Beachler, the first African-American to be nominated for - and win - Best Production Design. Hannah won the Oscar for Best Production Design for "Black Panther." In her acceptance speech, Hannah quoted advice she was given from “a very wise woman” that keeps her moving forward:

"I did my best, and my best is good enough."

Kids in elementary school are taught this in school, and it's one of the healthiest messages to hear. Hannah is proof that it works. Your best will look different than everyone else's. That is good enough, and will reward you.


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