More BLOGGERS in Media Contact Land!

Hello all!

I’m back with a quickie update on what’s been going on in Media Contact Land! Tin Shingle collects helpful details about people who produce content in the media and make it available to our Media Kit Members for 24/7 access.

More Bloggers Added To Tin Shingle’s Media Contact Idea Center

Bloggers and influencers have gained major traction and credibility over the past few years. It seems that the blogging industry is finally getting through the “awkward stage” and filtering out those only in it for the “free stuff” (companies aren’t gonna play that game anymore).

Particularly for the product-based businesses, and those in hospitality who are approached for free stuff, there is a major cultural shift happening in the blogosphere, so everybody has to behave and offer something of true substance to be taken seriously these days. “The concept of ‘free stuff’ has always been in blogging, and in magazine publishing as well,” said Tin Shingle’s publisher, Katie Hellmuth Martin, who is also a local blogger. “Businesses pitch bloggers by offering free facials or hotel stays, and if the blogger is running a business, with mouths to feed in her family, she is going to say ‘No free stuff’ and respond with a price to pay to play.”

Those businesses who don’t want to pay to play can get free coverage by pitching the right story angle to the writers. Something really compelling that the writer cannot ignore because it’s so good. That’s what Tin Shingle teaches in our educational platform.

On the other hand, bloggers and influencers who approach businesses for free stuff….eh. Tin Shingle has never been a fan of free stuff because nothing is free, so pick your collaborations wisely, should you elect to go down this path. “I don’t even accept free stuff, even if it’s a spa treatment,” said Katie. “It sets an expectation that I can’t promoise to deliver on, and I’d rather the bank see the income dollars for when I need a loan to invest in my business, rather than how many spa treatments I got. With 3 kids, I don’t even have time for the spa treatment, least one that comes with strings attached. I pay to zone out in my spa!”

Bloggers In The CEO and Finance Industries

We are adding to our database bloggers from every industry for you to connect with starting with Finance, namely blogs by CEO’s so you can pick their brains at your leisure by reading their blogs. Yes, CEO’s blog! Blogging can be a great business strategy for any business. Usually smaller blogs who are very niche have loyal followings who take to heart what they read.

Penny Herscher

Penny Herscher Photo April 2011.jpg

First on our list is Penny Herscher. She is a former Silicon Valley CEO who currently blogs, mentors, and consults businesses. Her passions include achieving economic equality for women. Check her out at The Grassy Road and on her travel blog Rapt Roaming. Her writing is easygoing and is very much like reading the thoughts of a supportive and warm friend.

George Colony


George Colony is the founder and CEO of Forrester Research, well-respected research, and advisory firm. George’s mission is simple. In his own words, he has one mission, “To tell them something they don’t know.” Find him at The Counterintuitive CEO and on Twitter at @gcolony.

Search our media contact database using the terms “finance,” “CEO,” and “business” to find others in the finance and CEO niche! You can also search Tin Shingle’s Database using the Search By Media Outlet tool.

Picture of Tin Shingle’s Media Contact Database when searching by “Media Outlet Type.”

Picture of Tin Shingle’s Media Contact Database when searching by “Media Outlet Type.”