Pitch Whisperer Small Group Training Meets Today 8/26/2020

Today is Small Group Training time.

Last session we experienced a big breakthrough for one of the members on the call. Valerie Rice, Trend Analyst and Communications Director for Vital Pet Life, maker of Wild Alaskan Salmon Oil for pets, had just launched a press release, and wanted to brainstorm how to build off of it.

The breakthrough was this: the press release mentioned that the salmon oil is the only MSC Certified Sustainable available. There may be others to market in the future, but right now, according to Valerie, Vital Pet Life is the first to make the commitment and the investment.

That's amazing, but...what does "sustainable" really mean? Another member on the call had this question, as did Katie of Tin Shingle. This revealing question yielded several insights that Valerie can use in her pitching of the media, including:

  • Defining a buzz-word like "sustainable" is important in the pitch. There's a lot to it that makes the pitch even more enticing.

  • Educating in what "sustainable" means in general to different types of reporters is useful. Not everyone is well-versed in wellness. These can be spin-off pitches, where you have more reasons to email the media.

  • Remembering that not everyone knows everything. Another member on the call did not know about the benefits of salmon-oil to humans or dogs. This may be common-knowledge for some, but it's a good reminder for every business owner and PR specialist that not everyone knows everything, and there is still room to educate.

If you are a member of Tin Shingle, come on today's Members-Only TuneUp! These are closed sessions, and not open to the public. You can turn on your video camera to speak eye-to-eye, or just talk on the phone or through your computer speakers.

In this series, members of Tin Shingle with the Media Kit Membership can call in to workshop any need in their marketing campaign, including:

  • Media Pitching: What a pitch to a certain media outlet should look like, and how it should read.

  • Facebook: How do you increase traffic from this platform?

  • Website: The media will circle back to evaluate their website. What are they seeing, and is it clear?

  • SEO: What's your game plan? Let's get one. You don't want to miss out on all that search traffic.

These are drop-in sessions. You don't need to commit to them all, but results are best when you do. These are every other Wednesday.
WED, AUG 26, 2020, 01:00 PM - 02:00 PM EDT
WED, SEP 9, 2020, 01:00 PM - 02:00 PM EDT

Tin Shingle's owner Katie will moderate the call.

She will rotate through people on the call, and encourage each other to contribute to each person's challenge as a conversation.

When you are logged into your Media Kit Member account at Tin Shingle, you will be able to click this link in our Community section of the website to get the private link to call in details.

Once on the call, Katie will adjust your settings so that we can hear and/or see you. We love talking face-to-face, so turn your video on if you want. Otherwise, audio-only is fine.