Featuring Your Success Stories for Valentine's Day Gift Guides

Hello and Happy Monday!

If you've been in this game for a while, you'll know that your next big chance for Holiday Gift Guides is happening now - and it's Valentine's Day. This week's live Tin Shingle TuneUp is focusing on how to pitch Valentine's Day Gift Guides. The bigger magazines have already filled this, but you have a chance elsewhere.

We Want To Feature Your Gift Guide Success Story

Did you land a Valentine's Day Gift Guide? Are you a business owner, artist or maker who did this? Are you a PR professional who did this? We want to hear from all of you.

We are sharing success stories during this week's Tin Shingle Training TuneUp - if you send them.
Contact us here with how you did it. Can be a quick email - just let us know! We want to feature your clever tricks.