Vogue Knitting 2019 Editorial Calendar Added To Tin Shingle's Magazine Pitching Resources

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Vogue Knitting's 2019 Editorial Calendar has been updated to Tin Shingle's Magazine Deadline Database for Tin Shingle’s All Access Pass Members. The biggest takeaway: The Holiday Gift issue is produced in July. So mark your calendar for next July to remind yourself not to check out too often by the pool if you want to try to get mentioned in this magazine. Also, listen to Tin Shingle’s monthly Training TuneUps, specifically the “PR Planning: What To Pitch This Month” ones where we give you hot tips like this!

Other magazines are releasing their 2019 plans at the end of November, so keep your eyes here for more updates!

PS: Vogue Knitting does have a Shop Local section for Yarn store listings. It’s a paid spot in the list, but seems like a great list to be in the middle of. We recommend it.

PPS: Having reviewed Vogue Knitting’s entire Media Kit, their paid advertorial features do look gorgeous. Organic PR is great for earning validation, while advertising is a great way to control your message and exposure. You know our position - advertising keeps the magazines in business! Without it, there’d be no book at all. If it’s in your budget, this ad spends seems like a great buy. In addition to any free PR you’re going to try to get!