
NEW! Community Network Tool

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We heard you! You want to network with other members, right now, this instant. And we want to also! Therefore, we have created a new community in Google Groups where you can email the Tin Shingle Google Group and instantly reach other Tin Shingle members with your question, desire for feedback, or just sharing something new that you are launching.

Tin Shingle does have a forum on our website, which we will be retiring, because it is old. And unimpressive. However, should we wish to custom design it in the future, we will always have that ability that we've always had. For now, we think that you want to use modern tools at places you know, like Google.

You might be wondering why we are not using a Facebook Group. Tin Shingle is not a huge fan of Facebook in general, and we have an issue with how they use your data and how their groups work. This way, with an inbox based group, we feel that you will be able to connect with each other and build relationships in a way that is not overwhelming, is safe, and gives you notifications when you need them.


This is in beta for now as we get used to it, but here is how this is going to work:

  • Tin Shingle Member: you need to be a Tin Shingle Member to use this. It is a private group. Once you become a member, your email will be added by our team and you will receive an email notification. If you are already a member of Tin Shingle, your email has been added, and you should be getting a notification shortly. If you are a Tin Shingle Member, and do not want to be in this group, that is fine! Please email us and we will remove you. *Please note, just because you are receiving this email, it does not mean you are a Tin Shingle Member. You are a member if you are paying a member subscription. If you do want to be a part of this group, and you are not a member yet, click HERE to activate your membership now!

  • Email The Group: When you're ready to reach out and network, you will send an email to the Google Group via a special email address. Only Tin Shingle Members will have this email address, and if you are a member, you will get it in a separate email.

  • Rules: We are developing the rules of behavior and appropriateness, but you may use this group to help other members by answering their questions, network when you are launching or promoting something, etc. We want you to use this group to give and get support.

The Case of the Broken Bobby Pin


As you reflect upon how to make change in the beginning of this new year, there are obstacles or bad habits you'll need to clear from last year. How will you know what those are? Let this analogy shed some light and help you make change...

In the dish it sat, bent open looking like a special comb that was used to secure a special hair bun that I don’t know how to twist. My fingers flicked it out of the way to get closer to the closed black bobby pins that would hold my bangs back in an instant for the day. Wish I knew how to use that wide open bobby pin, I thought to myself.

But wait - that’s no special bobby pin - it’s a broken bobby pin that I keep staring at and moving aside. Why is it here? Why am I allowing it to clutter my dish? Gone - to the trash it went! To clear the way from clutter and help the mind see clearly. Reclaimers - don’t try to talk me out of it! I keep enough things with the intent of someday reusing them. This bobby pin dish must be clear!

This is the breakthrough moment I’ve mentioned on TuneUps before, when you’re looking for paths to clear, or new designs to improve an online sales funnel, but you’re blocked as to what needs fixing. You know there is a problem, but you can’t put your finger on it. Chances are, you keep staring at it, but your mind has justified it, so it doesn’t stand out as a problem.

To train your mind to find the problem areas in your business, watch for these simple opportunities around your house or office.  Once you spot them, clear them, and then return to the area of your business that you are trying to improve. Look at it with fresh eyes, and pinpoint the part that bothers you. As pretty as it is, what’s its deal? If it’s bucking a feeling, it needs tossed and/or replaced.

Need a fresh set of eyes from an outsider? Try Tin Shingle’s Private Training Services. An outside perspective can change a direction in a snap.