How To Pitch

Ready To Stream: [PR] TuneUp: What To Pitch The Media This Month: August (For January 2022 Coverage)

[PR] TuneUp: What To Pitch The Media This Month: August (For January 2022 Coverage)

Hello Hello!

Tin Shingle's planning ahead programming continues, with this broadcast of the monthly TuneUp "What To Pitch For August 2021 (For Media Coverage In January 2022).

During this TuneUp, we focused on standard themes you can rely on for pitching angles that could land your media placement in January 2022 (think "New Year, New You!" know the drill). We also focus on "short leads" and "medium leads" ideas, which are story angles you can use now to land your media coverage tomorrow or in a month from now.


Anyone can watch a Tin Shingle TuneUp from their computer, mobile phone or tablet. The process is different for premium members and the public.


Stream any TuneUp Webinar anytime with your Tin Shingle membership. No need to purchase it, this TuneUp is ready to play from this page! When you are logged in, you will see a big screen.


Once you buy a TuneUp, you own it forever. The video or audio recording will appear on the TuneUp page that you just purchased from, and all you need to do is press play.

When Roth IRAs Trend: How To Create Meaningful PR During A Groundbreaking Story From ProPublica

“When Roth IRAs were trending in Twitter…” says no one over.

Except the phenomenon of the sleepy lifestyle topic - retirement planning - did take over Twitter when ProPublica published their article chronicling how the mega-tech-investor Peter Thiel (co-founder of PayPal, investor in Facebook, donor to Trump, among many other choices), used - very creatively - his Roth IRA to build and hold $5 billion tax free. Roth IRAs, according to ProPublica, were designed as retirement planning tools for the middle class, and have income restrictions.

The angle of ProPublica’s story - and the audience reaction - was how mega-wealthy investors with mindsets like Peter’s are using Roth IRAs that normal people have access to, in order to spike the way it grows money. While the first impression may be: “WOW, that’s a lot of money to shield from taxes….,” the next reaction of a Roth IRA holder might be: “Wait, how did he do that again? What am I not doing in my Roth IRA to grow it that big?”

And there you have the opportunity for a financial expert to step into this trending news story - while respecting its message of how people game a system - to help others actually pay attention to their Roth IRA, instead of letting their Roth IRA be dormant behind some login somewhere, languishing from no one paying attention to it, depositing any money into their Roth IRA, or tweaking its levers to grow that money on trees. Which is what IRAs were intended to do.

Roth IRA At Its Basic - And How Peter Blew It Up To $5 Billion

According to the ProPublica article, Peter deposited $2,000 into his Roth IRA in 1999 and grew it into $5 billion, “using stock deals unavailable to most people.” According to Vanguard, an investment management group, “A Roth IRA is an individual retirement account that offers tax-free growth and tax-free withdrawals in retirement. Roth IRA rules dictate that as long as you've owned your account for 5 years* and you're age 59½ or older, you can withdraw your money when you want to and you won't owe any federal taxes.”

There are limits on the maximum you can put in, and that amount can change depending on who is the President of the United States. For instance, David Rae, CFP, wrote for Fortune magazine: “It is important to point out that the Roth IRA may become more valuable to you because of the new Trump Tax Plan. At least that has been the case for many people. Tax-free growth and tax-free income might be quite appealing to current and future retirees. At the same time, more money in your pocket to maximize today could be extremely tempting as well.”

How A Finance Expert Like You Can Perk The Interest Of A Reporter To Get Your Own PR

This was a trending news story. While attention may have moved on, the relevance is still there for a bit longer afterwards. Here’s how you can pitch yourself to a reporter who might be a good fit for this story:

  • Set the Mood: Mention in 1 sentence the story and the article at ProPublica. You don’t need to link to it in your email. That may trigger spam filters, and you want to save your link for a link to your own website. But you’ll want to remind the reporter about the story, or inform them for the first time.

  • Say What You’re Going To Do: Further the mood by telling the reporter what you are can inform them about, based on this article. The urgency here is that X number of Americans have a Roth IRA (bonus points for finding and including this statistic!) and don’t do anything with their Roth IRA. They are missing out on any free money, let alone $5 billion.

  • Love The Bullet Lists: Put in a bullet list the topics you can speak to. For instance: Kids who can start Roth IRAs now and get that early financial education and growth; Why starting a Roth IRA as a 50 year old may still be a good idea; How to work it into your strategy if you are already retired; Best retirement strategies to take advantage of if you have a low income; How the gears of a Roth IRA churn - how does this thing work and how can people tweak the levers to grow more money from it?

You got this, Small Business Friend. Even if you run a huge business, these strategies will work for you. Use Tin Shingle’s Media Contact Idea Center to browse names for which reporters or producers would be a great fit for this story. Use Tin Shingle’s Google Group to test your pitch on us. It’s the group of Members who can see your pitch and submit feedback. Feeling a little shy? Hire one of our PR Pros (Katie, Beth or Olivia) to review your pitch in private during a Private Training Session (discounted 25% with membership).

All of this can be yours with a Tin Shingle Membership.

Whatever You Do:

  • Don’t mass-pitch. Don’t send the email to a group of BCC emails. Now the media can see you are blanketing this pitch everywhere, and they may compete with each other for the same story angle.

  • Do include the reporter’s name in your email pitch. Personalize it!

  • Do change up points you are making to different reporters and producers. Their audiences are not the same. You need to do some work to make this pitch different.

  • Tin Shingle wants to hear from you! We share financial insight with our small business readers. Do include us in your pitching! Our audience is a diverse group of old and young creative thinkers who turn ideas into action. Our crowd are business owners, communication directors working for them, and PR professionals seeking to further their education.

Good luck!

Making The News: The Media Learns From You, Just As You Learn From The Media


In a college Ethics in the Media course, the question was asked:
"Is media mirroring society? Or is society mirroring the media?"

In Tin Shingle's opinion, the answer is both.

The #1 question we get at Tin Shingle is:
"How do I get featured in the media? I want someone to interview me!"

The way to get that interview is to tell the media what is going on in society as you know it. Believe it or not, reporters don't know everything. They may hardly know anything! With all of the topics they could write about, they may not know about your corner of the world.

That is why you must tell them. Telling them is called "pitching the media." You are telling them about something going on in your corner of the world - how you and your business are making a difference.

How Do I Create The News?

It's a liberating thought - you creating the news. You think you don't have control, but you do. Here are some places to start:

  • If you are up against a challenge, tell the media about it. Spell it out on why it's a challenge - what's going on? Who are the players?

  • If you are one of the only ones in your field or community doing this, make that very clear in how you present your accomplishments and what you got going on.

  • Write these points in an email to a producer or writer that you have researched by reading that media, or skimming through Tin Shingle's Media Contact Idea Center.

Can I Control The Story? Will They Run It?

Two things you must understand about getting PR:

  • Nothing is guaranteed. You might get interviewed for 30 minutes, and 1 sentence of what you said was used. If it was used at all!

  • You can't control the narrative. A story may go in the opposite direction than you intended. That's OK. It's a wave you can ride. Talk to us in Tin Shingle's Community or book a Private Session should this happen, to see how you can ride with it.

Look At Homeschooling As An Example:

This article at Wired magazine provides a lot of stats on the rise in homeschooling this year, especially in Black families. The fact that it was covered at all with this positive spin is a surprise, as people of color have been homeschooling for some time for various reasons (bullying, religion, teacher/administration disagreements, etc.). Positioning it in this light is refreshing for homeschooling families.

The freedom to cultivate the curriculum was an appeal. As people stretch into their new normals and values after enduring the shutdown, the complexities of public schools, unions, charter schools, homeschooling, and the community around those options may be at the forefront of discussions.

Homeschooling has (or had) a reputation of being isolating and possibly elitist. Often snubbed by public schools for after school activities, will they now be accepted after families have pulled out to control the educational narrative at home, but want to benefit from tax-funded community events happening at public schools?

These are questions you can pose. Use examples of the past, and what is being asked for now. Use statistics and studies to back your claim, and provide names and links to those studies. Even if you have no studies, use voices from your community.

The Media Learns From You

Yes, it’s true! The media learns from you! Reporters are trained to hear topics that resonate with people; that will make a difference in their lives; or that their readers don’t know much about. You can inform the media about this. Even if you think a reporter knows about it already. They might not. Or, they may have heard about it, but don’t know how to approach it from a different angle - because they don’t know the different angle to come at it from.

You can pitch the ideas you wish the media would write about! Need help? Use Tin Shingle’s Pitch Whispering benefit that comes with your membership.

Homeschooling & Charter Schools Will Be In The News - Starting at Wired Magazine - Start Pitching!

homeschooling rage quit.png

This article at Wired magazine provides a lot of stats on the rise in homeschooling this year, especially in Black families. The freedom to cultivate the curriculum was an appeal. As people stretch into their new normals and values after enduring the shutdown, the complexities of public schools, unions, charter schools, homeschooling, and the community around those options may be at the forefront of discussions.

And I thought the Common Core debate was too complex for me to follow! Now is your time, homeschooling and charter school peeps, to pitch the media about what you got going on. Your pitch won’t just be a feature of your business or initiative. It will be informing the reporter, editor or producer about the problem you see in a certain area, and how your business or initiative addresses that. If you don’t have a business but are trying to change policy, same thing.

Have you wondered why these topics weren’t covered before? Were you silently seething at the media for not covering these things? Or covering them in a way that reflected poorly in the area you know so well, and could use some change? Here’s the thing: you can make that change. By pitching the media.

Yes, it’s true! The media learns from you! Reporters are trained to hear topics that resonate with people; that will make a difference in their lives; or that their readers don’t know much about. You can inform the media about this. Even if you think a reporter knows about it already. They might not. Or, they may have heard about it, but don’t know how to approach it from a different angle - because they don’t know the different angle to come at it from.

You can pitch the ideas you wish the media would write about! Need help? Use Tin Shingle’s Pitch Whispering benefit that comes with your membership.

Why We Talk About Hair Blowouts During TuneUp Office Hours

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Not gonna lie, sometimes during the TuneUp Office Hour, we discuss COVID hair blowouts, and how that can become a media pitch idea. Because that is what makeup designer mixologist @nycluckychick has mastered for her curly hair during the shutdown. This is a media pitch that isn’t a feature on her business but can keep her name and company name in the news lightly.

We also discuss things like Grammy makeup themes as seen on the virtual red carpet and how to incorporate that into her customer newsletter to increase sales. In the past, @nycluckychick showed up and we discussed short, quick, and really effective ways of getting her new makeup brand in front of editors. Makeup artists love her brand and have reached out to use it for the Grammys!

Want in on this fun? Office Hours at Tin Shingle is a special opportunity for members only, where they call in with their questions, concerns, doubts, big ideas.

Tin Shingle Members can attend this TuneUp Office Hour session as a way to have a micro-brainstorming session on their own marketing needs. The time will be shared and moderated. Come join us if you haven't yet! Private Training is always available with a discount to Tin Shingle Members, and group connections are always appreciated.

[PR] TuneUp: What To Pitch The Media This Month: January

Well wow, Tin Shingler! This was quite a news day.

To get you back into the groove of your business, we are keeping this TuneUp open for all to stream for the next few hours. Today's performance and insurrection was a culmination of the distraction that we have all been dealing with for the past 9 months. Ironically, during this TuneUp, Katie pointed out that the media is getting into its groove with the pandemic and social revolution, being that it was not operating in crisis mode during the last few weeks. Crisis mode is where the media cycle is interrupted by crisis and planned news stories are dropped in favor of what is happening right now.

On the other hand, how the media handled today was not very reassuring, as they asked the current president to show leadership and tell his people to "go home." This president has been consistently encouraging today's actions to happen. So for the media like CNN not to recognize that, was disappointing, yet not surprising to the Black community, who have watched and endured this type of coverage for a long time. Or since forever.

Shaking our heads, and enraged that there has been little news coverage of any arrests of those who rioted, trespassed, and stole or lifted government property. Was anyone arrested? Sadly, it is being reported that one woman who stormed inside the Capitol was shot by police and has died.

Social media giants did take action. Twitter and Facebook locked him out of his accounts, and YouTube removed his video telling his people to stay peaceful, in which, he could not have looked happier. Read all about it here at

At any rate. Get many ideas for how to pitch the media this month. And energy! This was a great TuneUp, and will jazz your brand. It's free for all to stream for limited time, and then will be available to Tin Shingle Members to stream 24/7.

TODAY: The Live TuneUp Returns

What To Pitch The Media This Month: January 

When: Wednesday, January 6, 2021
Time: 1pm EST
Where: At your computer or on your phone
Price: Free for all during this live broadcast

The live TuneUp is back this week for a look at what you can be pitching the media this month for coverage in national magazines as well as blogs and TV. There is a lot to cover, including ideas for, Home Decor, Finances, Taxes, Healthcare, Health Insurance, Amazon VS Shopify, Voter Rights, Mutual Aid Networks, and More! Get your 2021 Editorial Calendars out and let's go!

Get ideas! Join us live on today's broadcast! 

If you can't make it to this free broadcast, Tin Shinglers with the Media Membership get 24/7 access to watch any TuneUp whenever they want. Apply for Tin Shingle membership today to get access!

Where Can You Watch TuneUps You Missed?

If you miss any live, free class, you can watch all of Tin Shingle's Training TuneUps from our website! Tin Shingle's Media Membership gives you unlimited streaming of all online classes we recorded. Organized by topic, including Instagram, Photography, Facebook, and more. Browse our library of TuneUp Replays here.

Tin Shingle is your partner in getting the word out about your business. Generating buzz is our jam, and it can be yours too.

Loving what you're hearing in the Training TuneUps, but need help applying it to your business? Schedule a Private Training Session with Katie to get you on track. Share ideas, doubts, and goals. Come away with actionable items you can start on now to carry out your marketing campaigns. Tin Shingle Members get a Discount on this service. Contact Us for coupon code.

[PR] TuneUp: How To Pitch For 2021 Valentine’s Day Gift Guides - Starting In October/November 2020

It's that time of year! A monthly series where we start a new month and plan ahead for what we are pitching! October is a special month's your time to begin pitching Valentine's Day. Oh yes. If you missed your chance last year, and found Tin Shingle when you were Googling "how to pitch valentine's day gift guides," and discovered that the time is not January, but is October, then this is your time to shine!

In this TuneUp, we went over ideas for national print magazines (6 months ahead), local (2-3 months ahead) and trending news stories right now.

Plus, we had a special Motivation Minute, that we're slowing down to a slow jam.


Anyone can watch a Tin Shingle TuneUp from their computer, mobile phone or tablet. The process is different for premium members and the public.


Stream any TuneUp Webinar anytime with your Tin Shingle membership. No need to purchase it, this TuneUp is ready to play from this page! When you are logged in, you will see a big screen.


Once you buy a TuneUp, you own it forever. The video or audio recording will appear on the TuneUp page that you just purchased from, and all you need to do is press play.

[PR] TuneUp: What To Pitch The Media This Month: October

It's time for our monthly series where we start a new month and plan ahead for what we are pitching! October is a special month's your time to begin pitching Valentine's Day. Oh yes. If you missed your chance last year, and found Tin Shingle when you were Googling "how to pitch valentine's day gift guides," and discovered that the time is not January, but is October, then this is your time to shine!

In this TuneUp, we went over ideas for national print magazines (6 months ahead), local (2-3 months ahead) and trending news stories right now.

Plus, we shared a special Motivation Minute- slowing down to a slow jam.


Anyone can watch a Tin Shingle TuneUp from their computer, mobile phone or tablet. The process is different for premium members and the public.


Stream any TuneUp Webinar anytime with your Tin Shingle membership. No need to purchase it, this TuneUp is ready to play from this page! When you are logged in, you will see a big screen.


Once you buy a TuneUp, you own it forever. The video or audio recording will appear on the TuneUp page that you just purchased from, and all you need to do is press play.

Media Contact Update: Sally Holmes Named Editor-in-Chief of U.S. Marie Claire

Photo Credit: Marie Claire

Photo Credit: Marie Claire

On September 15, Sally Holmes was named Editor-in-Chief for U.S. Marie Clair. Holmes has been with Marie Claire since 2018, initially as the digital director and then executive director.

“I love that I'm stepping into a role held by amazing women I’ve long admired,” said Holmes. “Marie Claire is an incredible global brand that at its core is all about empowering women, telling impactful stories and connecting with its audience of smart, stylish, ambitious women. At this critical moment in our country, I’m honored to lead a brand that has the power to inspire meaningful change, amplify voices and galvanize readers to vote.”

Sally Holmes has been updated in our Media Contact database!

Skim Through Tin Shingle's Media Contacts Database

Tin Shingle's Media Contact Database makes your research a little easier. Do you want to be featured in the pages of Wired Magazine? Allure Magazine? Or more of a spiritual magazine?  You can do that with our easy-to-use list that includes ways to search by subject or media outlet. See how to search for media contacts HERE.

It’s easy! Log into your member account at Tin Shingle, and go to the Media Contact Idea Center. From there, you'd see this easy box that says "Areas of Interest," and you'd start typing LA or Los Angeles. A list of suggestions would begin coming up.