
June's Kid Friendly Column Published In Local Newspaper Highlands Current

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Anyone who is saying local journalism is in trouble is not working hard or smart enough! Local journalism is alive and well because locals want so much to read about what is going on in their towns. That is what the Highlands Current is committed to doing, and what I am committed to doing at A Little Beacon Blog, and is why I said yes authoring a column for my competitor! Kidding. We need as much local news as possible, and I’m honored to be in print.

June’s “Kid Friendly” column is about time - the speeding of time - and the forgotten moments of time when you had a dream or vision, and you didn’t realize that you stepped into that dream and accomplished it. It may look different or be different in some way that you realized - but you got there. What you do from there is a different story. What helps you make more of that story is journaling.

All is this is explored in June’s column, which you can zoom in real far and read here until they post the official version in the online version of the paper. :)

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PR Tip:
Switch the Pitch! Getting no response from a magazine? Find a tip on what to do!

PR Portfolio Additions!
Congratulations to Tin Shingle Member Kryzia Kreations - Jewelry design by Christina Paluszek-McClure for the feature in HelloGiggles for "25 Non Traditional Engagement Rings That Won't Break The Bank" Well deserved media hit that she got from doing her own PR using Tin Shingle advanced Membership Program! Tin Shinglers are able to celebrate their PR hits by featuring them on Tin Shingle's website in the Press Portfolio section.

Article Published! A Tin Shingle Member, Christine Agro, Spiritual Teacher & Clairvoyant, Author and Speaker, wrote a piece for Thrive Global on Negative Self Talk, and it went viral!