Pitching the Media

Online Class TuneUp: PR Planning and What To Pitch for August


Tin Shingle is your PR Campaign Partner in crime, and we've got your roadmap for what ideas to pitch to the media for this month. You're going to get:

  • Ideas for what to pitch magazines - how to spin a story about your business into their pages.
  • Insights into what magazines are working on now - we open our Editorial Calendar Database to show you the main themes of magazines like Entrepreneur, Fast Company, Real Simple, and many more.
  • How to channel all of this pitching so that it's not overwhelming. Pitching the media is all about sending the right idea at the right time. This TuneUp helps you do that for August.

You don't need to be a professional PR person to get a big PR hit. You need to be a go-getter with fresh ideas. Listen to this live Training TuneUps class to get some of those ideas and some gumption to carry them out.

Sneak Peek!

Online Class TuneUp: Pitch Clarity - What Worked and Didn't in These Pitches

Venture inside real emails with Tin Shingle during this Training TuneUp. These emails were sent to the media by businesses hoping to get noticed and gain a press placement. During this class, we will uncover each pitch to discover what worked and what didn't in these examples. We will also highlight the winning email that worked and resulted in an article (aka landed press) and will showcase which parts of the email worked and why.