Tin Shingle’s Training Opportunities
Every Wednesday


Connecting is one of the most important ways of learning, growing and succeeding as you seek exposure in social, digital and print media. Tin Shingle’s TuneUps are live broadcasts of a webinar that takes a deep dive into a trending topic or a big picture strategy. Broadcasting live every Wednesday at 1pm EST, the TuneUp will either be open to the public to watch (then are published to Tin Shingle’s archives for members to stream anytime), or for Tin Shingle Members only to participate in. Find out dates and topics below.


TuneUp: What To Pitch The Media In April

Day: Wednesday, April 2, 2025
Time: 1:00pm EST
Where: At your computer or on your phone.
Price: Free for all for live broadcast. Members-Only can access the 24/7 Replay.
Register: Click here for the Zoom link >


Office Hours

When we are not broadcasting a live TuneUp, we will host an Office Hours session.

The Office Hours is a Private, Small-Group Session for Media Members of Tin Shingle. We are able to connect together in person via video conference call. If you want to join in on these Office Hours:

  1. Activate your membership so that you can access the secret link: www.tinshingle.com/membership

  2. Find the secret Zoom link for the small group session in Tin Shingle’s Forum here.

Connect with you soon! Watch this video for step-by-step directions on how to get onto the call:


Paula secured a feature story with a hyper local website in Houston just before she was set to go to tape a morning show segment also featuring her company's bag styles. During the PR Challenge, as a group, we worked out how she could approach the writer, who had been delaying the story, to turn that delay into a publish. Our strategy worked!

Laura, creator of the app that connects neighbors to receive your packages for you, was featured on a local TV station in her hometown of Florida. How'd she do it? "Repetition and Intensity. I followed Katie's advice after the members-only TuneUp and made a commitment to send my pitch to at least 25 journalists everyday. I used your PR Planning & Tracker to know who I had contacted.

Sierra landed herself a host position at a major cable network for a crafting show. All because she was brainstorming new ways to get the word out, and what she personally wanted to tap into.