How to Update Your Facebook Page via Mobile


How can you update your Facebook business page while you're on the go from your mobile phone? Easy! Facebook already set that up for you. You email to it! Full disclosure: there may be a way to do this from a Facebook app, but I find it faster and most direct to just email it rather than firing up an app. I know. Two seconds too long, right?

Here's how you find the email to update your Facebook page via your mobile phone:

1. First you have to find the email address that Facebook assigned to you.

  • Go to your Facebook business page.
  • Click on the "Edit page" tab at the top. Then click "Update Info"

    Facebook Update Info tab

  • From the left navigation that suddenly appears, click on "Mobile"

    Facebook Mobile Upload left nav

  • BAM! There is the email address! It's auto-generated and super long and hard to remember, so just type it into your address book on your phone as a contact, and email that. An easy name to remember is something like: "Facebook page for my business".


2. Next you have to type your status update into the right place.

  • Type your status update into the Subject line of your email.
  • If you have a picture, no worries, just type the caption of the photo into the Subject line as well. If you want to assign the photo to an album, you can do that from Facebook itself. Just skip that part for now, and get the photo uploaded onto the timeline.